International recommendations to Latvia on granting voting rights to non-citizens of Latvia 
Concluding observations of
the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: Latvia.
CERD/C/63/CO/7, 10 December 2003
12. The Committee recognizes that political rights can be legitimately
limited to citizens.
Nevertheless, noting that most non-citizens have been residing in Latvia
for many years, if not for their whole lives, the Committee strongly recommends
that the State party consider
facilitating the integration process by making it possible for all non-citizens
who are long-time permanent residents to participate in local elections.
Concluding observations of
the Human Rights Committee CCPR/CO/79/LVA, 05/11/2003
18. With
regard to the status of non-citizens, the Committee notes the policy of the
Government to further social integration through naturalization. However, the
Committee is concerned about the large proportion of non-citizens in the State
party, who by law are treated neither as foreigners nor as stateless persons
but as distinct category of persons with long-lasting and effective ties to
Latvia, in many respects comparable to citizens but in other respects without the
rights that come with full citizenship. The Committee expresses its concern
over the perpetuation of a situation of exclusion, resulting in lack of
effective enjoyment of many Covenant rights by the non-citizen segment of the
population, including political rights, the possibility to occupy certain state
and public positions, the possibility to exercise certain professions in the
private sector, restrictions in the area of ownership of agricultural land, as
well as social benefits (Article 26).
The State
party should prevent the perpetuation of a situation where a considerable part
of the population is classified as "non-citizens". In the interim,
the State party should facilitate the integration process by enabling
non-citizens who are long-term residents of Latvia to participate in local
elections and to limit the number of other restrictions on non-citizens [
in order to facilitate participation of non-citizens in public life in Latvia.
Special Rapporteur on Contemporary forms of racism,
racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. Addendum on the
mission to Latvia of the report to Human Rights Council
88. (..) the granting of voting rights in local
elections for non-citizens who are long-term residents of Latvia should be
considered by the Government and the subject of broad discussion within Latvian
society (..)
European Parliament’s resolution on the comprehensive monitoring report of the European
Commission on the state of preparedness for EU membership of the Czech
Republic, Estonia, Cyprus Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia
and Slovakia (COM(2003) 675 – C5-0532/2003 – 2003/2201(INI))
74. Welcomes the increase in the naturalisation
rate in 2003 mainly due to the referendum campaign for the EU accession, even
if the naturalisation process remains too slow; therefore invites the Latvian
authorities to promote that process and considers that minimum language requirements
for elderly people may contribute to it; encourages the Latvian authorities to
overcome the existing split in society and to favour the genuine integration of
"non-citizens", ensuring an equal competitive chance in education and
labour; proposes that the Latvian authorities envisage the possibility of
allowing non-citizens who are long-time inhabitants to take part in local
self-government elections; (..)
Final report on the
parliamentary elections in Latvia, 5 October 2002 20/11/2002
XI. Recommendations
(..) 2. The Issue of Municipal Voting Rights for Non-Citizens - The OSCE/ODIHR
would encourage a full and public
discussion on the issue of voting rights for non-
citizens in municipal elections. The Council of Europe
and the Council of the Baltic
Sea States have previously urged Latvia to grant voting
rights to “non-citizens” for
municipal elections. Involving non-citizens in local
decision-making could represent
a first and tangible step toward eliminating the
current democratic deficit, as
represented by the 22% of the population with no voting
rights at national or
municipal level.
OSCE Office for Democratic
Institutions and Human Rights. Republic of Latvia: Parliamentary Elections. 8
February 2007
2. Consistent with previous recommendations by OSCE/ODIHR and other
international organizations, the Saeima should give consideration to granting
the “non-citizens” of Latvia the right to vote in municipal elections. In
addition, the Government should further intensify its endeavours to encourage
non-citizens to initiate and undergo the naturalization procedure.
Resolution on national minorities
(Edinburgh, 2004)
The OSCE Parliamentary assembly
16. Strongly recommends that the Latvian
authorities create conditions for participation of stateless persons in the
political life of the country by granting them the right to vote in local
Council of Europe
Assembly. Recommendation 1625(2003)
8. The
Assembly therefore recommends that the Committee of Ministers:
(..) iv.
call on member states to:
(..) c. grant
immigrants who have been legally living in the country for at least three years
the right to vote and stand in local elections and encourage activities to
foster their active political participation;
Parliamentary Assembly.
Resolution 1527(2006): Rights of national minorities in Latvia. 17 November
17. The Parliamentary Assembly therefore invites the Latvian authorities
to: (..)
17.5. consider all possibilities and explore all appropriate ways leading
to the implementation of the pertinent recommendations made by the Assembly,
Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, and by relevant OSCE and
United Nations bodies, in order to grant voting rights at local elections to
all permanent residents;
Commissioner for Human Rights
CommDH(2004)3 Report by Mr. Alvaro
Gil-Robles, Commissioner for Human Rights, on his visit to Latvia. 5 – 8
October 2003
132. In the
light of the preceding findings, and with the aim of assisting Latvia in the
promotion of the respect for human rights, the Commissioner makes the following
recommendations in conformity with article 8 of Resolution (99)50:
(..) 5. With a view to
encouraging non-citizens to naturalise and promoting their integration,
increase their participation in the political life of the country, notably by
examining the possibility of granting them, amongst others, the right to vote
in local elections;
Memorandum to the Latvian
Government: Assessment of the progress made in implementing the 2003
recommendations of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights.
CommDH(2007)9, 16 May 2007.
43. The exclusion of non-citizens from political life does nothing to
encourage their integration. The Commissioner stressed this point in the
previous report, recommending
that Latvia examine
the possibility of granting them, among other things, the right to vote in
local elections. It should be highlighted that the overwhelming majority of
non-citizens belong to minorities, and that this status debars them from
participating in the political life of their country. They can neither vote nor
be elected, even at the local level. Although a bill has been drafted granting
non-citizens the right to vote at the local level, the text has not yet been
examined by Parliament. The Commissioner hopes that Parliament will soon adopt
a law improving the participation of non-citizens in political and social life.
ECRI Second Report on Latvia CRI (2002) 21
“Non-citizens” do not enjoy eligibility and voting rights in neither national
nor local elections. Noting that most non-citizens have resided in the country
for most or all of their lives, ECRI recommends to the Latvian government to
confer eligibility and voting rights to resident non-citizens in local
ECRI Third Report on Latvia. CRI (2008) 2
132. Noting that most non-citizens have resided in the country for most
or all of their lives, ECRI urges the Latvian authorities to confer eligibility
and voting rights to resident non-citizens in local elections.
Congress of
Local and Regional Authorities of Europe
Recommendation 257 (2008)
11. Recommends that the Latvian
authorities: (..)
b. enact new legislation or amend existing laws,
granting non-citizens the right to vote in local elections so as to
foster their increased involvement in political life and hence their
integration into Latvian society;
Recommendation 47
9. Considering the
large number of Latvian residents who have no political or civic rights,
reaching nearly 50% of the population in some cities, such as the capital, and
having regard to the Preamble of the European Charter of Local Self-Government:
a) Believes that it
is important to integrate these residents into the country’s democratic system
and that local democracy offers a significant opportunity to achieve this;
b) Recommends that
the Latvian parliamentary and governmental authorities recognise the people’s
right to vote on issues within the competence of local authorities by acceding
to the European Convention on the participation of foreigners in public life at
local level.